Garden address: 65 East 200 South.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

We Planted!

Thank you to everyone who came to help today! We got a lot done. First we gathered all the sticks, rocks, and other debris to clean up the area.
Some of the things being hauled were a little more precious than garbage or debris, but we still had fun hauling it!
Then, John Bramall brought his tractor and big tiller. He spread all the compost and worked it in the ground for us. Thank you John!
Once the ground was all ready, we made our rows.
Then, we planted! HOORAY!
The product of our work!

Here is everything we have planted so far (in 45 ft. rows):
6 rows--Red Onions
4 rows--Beets
1 row--Sugar Snap Peas
4 rows--Carrots and Radishes (intermingled)
1 row--lettuce
6 rows--Green Marvel Peas

Over the next few days I will be assigning out row care-takers, then I will email everyone who has contacted me with an assignment. Thank you everyone for all your help! If you have questions, please don't hesitate to email:

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